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Kitplane Tips

Save time, effort, and frustration by following these kitplane tips when building your aircraft.  No matter what kind of aircraft you are building, these tips will pay off for you.

Buy the Videos

“A picture is worth a thousand words.”  These really came in handy.  There were times when I just didn’t get it, even after reading the directions and studying the plans.  Then I would watch the video, and what the plans were telling me became clear.  They are also fun to watch with a cup of coffee on Saturday morning.  I would watch the section covering what I was going to do next, then go to the airport and do it.

Get These Books

There are two books that are a must if you are going to build an airplane, plus four books by Tony Bingelis that really round out the whole picture.

  AC 43-13B(Aircraft Inspection, Repair, and Alteration) is the FAA “Bible” for accepted practices.  It has all the rules to live by.  You probably won’t need the parts for aluminum aircraft because the kits are so good.  But when you get to the finishing details, you will need it.  It contains info you will need for electrical systems, hydraulic tubing, safety wiring, etc. 
The second book is the Standard Aircraft Handbook.  This little gem has a lot of technical info from drill sizes, to nut and bolt identification, to torque specifications.  Mine no longer lays flat.  It is dog-eared and dirty from constant use.  I write notes on things I look up a lot on the inside of the front cover, saving me time.

Anything by Tony Bingelis is a definite must have. His books cover everything.  I thoroughly enjoyed these four, and found they really helped me out in my build:

More Tips

Here are some tips that are more specific to the building techniques for an aluminum skinned kitplane:

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